Betrayed started years ago when dynamis was released, several of the founding members started a shell specifically for dynamis. Madwraith and Sodo were two of the first leaders, Over time, we gradually practiced and got better at dynamis. We tried some sky rather successfully, but after the first week of sky, we lost sodo and most of the sky pops with it, and went back to just doing dynamis. We continued to improve and both with and without team ups with other linkshells, defeated dynamis lord. After dynamis 2.0, our focus shifted away from dynamis as a linkshell, but individual members still heavily farm dynamis and we frequently team up to help with clears or nm trials for relics.
With the advent of abyssea, Betrayed as a linkshell jumped headlong into the new expansions. We farmed large amounts of empyrean armor and weapons for most members. linkshell organized cleave parties were common, and allowed people to leech jobs up to usable levels. abyssea isn't a linkshell event anymore, but people still frequently team up to help each other out with items they need.
The shell has always been a friendly shell, practically a social. Almost no one is turned away, and joining is as simple as finding a sacholder and asking for a pearl.
Mckenzee Admin replied
639 weeks ago